
如果你对世界各地的茶传统感到好奇, 或者如果你正在计划一个艺术装置,或者为你的读书俱乐部找一本好书, just ask an Ellis middle schooler.

During the last four days of school, 六年级到八年级的学生将参加老虎学院, 这是一个新项目,类似于每年年底在澳门新葡新京官方高中开设的迷你课程.
“We looked at how minis have gone in the Upper School, and that’s become a trademark of Ellis, so we thought, ‘let’s try this,’”中学科学和数学老师杰斯林·达姆说. 今年春天,中学老师们一起根据学生的兴趣开发了老虎学院的课程, mixed with wellness and leadership learning. There are courses in cooking, a mini-musical, and a zine workshop, as well as a book club and an art installation.”

中学部门负责人珍·莫伊尼汉说,开办老虎学院的想法是在一次院长会议上的一次谈话中产生的. Ms. Dame的任务是协调项目的后勤工作, 是由中学老师和领导共同开发的吗.

老虎研究所将取代之前在年底进行的顶点项目. Teachers will pair up to lead the four-day courses; students can select their preferred courses, and then are assigned to the one they will take. Each course will include students from different grades, allowing for more collaboration across grade levels. 该方案还将纳入健康和保健活动.

“我们希望这能让他们对自己的决定有一点主动权,让他们在那一周结束时感到兴奋,” Ms. Dame says.

烹饪经验诱人的老虎对待教厨房安全, such as how to use knives to chop and dice safely, 以及如何按照食谱制作免烘焙点心. 该课程还将侧重于与年龄相适应的营养技能,并将以计算如何替代食材和双重食谱的形式教授数学.

In another course, students will develop and publish a zine—traditionally, a small-circulation, 根据自己选择的主题在杂志上发表文章. 他们还将研究杂志作为一种文学形式的历史,并将研究这些出版物的兴起对女权运动的影响.

During Installation Art and Sound, 学生将在校园里找到一个他们想要改造的空间,并在其中创造一种互动的艺术体验. 这门课程的灵感来自于去年中学生对床垫工厂博物馆的实地考察.

The Babysitters Club will focus on child care safety, All About Tea将探讨茶在不同国家的文化和历史意义, 一个读书俱乐部将讨论卡鲁纳·里亚兹的文化主题 A Bit of Earth, a modern retelling of Frances Hodgson Burnett’s The Secret Garden. 在《澳门新葡新京官方》中,学生们将学习、演绎和表演一首来自 High School Musical

中学英语老师艾米·瑞斯比(Amy Rigsby)说:“这感觉很像一个文科研究。. “学生们正在把过去一年的思考和学习以一种新的方式应用起来. 这是带着学习热情结束一年的好方法.”

每天将分为三个部分:健康活动,如瑜伽, mindfulness, coloring, or reading; course workshops with their group and House Games, including a flag football clinic and Middle School Olympiad; and a workshop expo where the students will showcase the work they did during the week.

The fifth graders will join in for wellness activities, 但这四天我要花在一个独立的长期项目上, the Ellis Earthkeeping Experience (E3). E3帮助学生提高对环境重要性的认识,并了解地球上的相互关系. 内容侧重于能源和人类对水的影响, air, and land, as well as ways to mitigate and lessen these impacts. 该项目将包括来自匹兹堡供水和下水道管理局以及卡内基梅隆大学工程和公共政策系主任的演讲者. 活动将包括到Tour-Ed矿山的实地考察和到Lutherlyn户外中心的班级旅行(在秋季)。.

Ms. 莫伊尼汉说,中学老师全年都在设法让学生与不同年级的同学建立联系, and this is another way to do that. 在学年结束时,这也是一个很好的混合方式.

“在学年结束时举办老虎学院是一次很棒的高潮体验. 虽然这些课程与他们的学术课程无关, these have a focus on just one thing,” Ms. Moynihan says. “我们希望学生们报名参加最能打动他们的课程.”

Ms. 达姆说,她期待着每个班级的反馈,这样老师就可以以学生感兴趣的方式不断更新课程. 她希望将来八年级学生可以提出研讨会.


“看到学生们如何参与其中,我真的很兴奋, to see them come together and collaborate on something, 让老师们对这周要讲的内容感到非常兴奋,” she says.

Envision Her at Ellis

如果你有兴趣为你女儿探索澳门新葡新京官方,我们联系吧! Request information about enrollment, attend one of our upcoming events, or hear about Ellis from those who know it best: our students.